heya guys, I hope you all are doing fine sitting at home and binge-watching and chilling with your family. We all are aware of the facts that the world is at the edge, people are dying because of a virus that i-am- scared- to-take-name even. Coronavirus, we all have watched that lakhs of people have died because of this virus. Countries economy has collapsed and we are scared to step outside of our home. There are people who are dying and then therey people who are fit and fine doing nothing but sitting at home and watching our country collapsing. There is no way to go but “Technology” might be the only hope to fight this corona crisis.
What we are supposed to do now?
People are working from home. Isn’t it damn easy peasy that inspite of all atleast we are not dying of starvation. These technologies are the only hope now helping people to make them stay at home. Whether it is office work or school works. Making people aware of the updates or announcing lockdown extensions. No wonder in the centuries with no technologies and tv and anything, death ratio was far much greater than nowadays.
One thing is asure that people in future are gonna use online technologies so much .
Because no one wants to stop working, no one wants their kids to stop learning. Even we are seeing that during such conditions also people are giving there 100 percent towards there work. It is so unfortunate that kids cannot go to school, because of this alien thing landed from nowhere. They are taking online classes via video calls using online platforms.
Technology is the only hope :
we all are pretty much comfortable , using online educational websites and channels. Because people are not going to stop learning and working. They’re gonna find every possible way to cope up with the current situations. My Parents were most irked when they got to know about schools in America . he education system has been terminated for a year.
Whatever is happening around the world, there is one thing we all can agree. That is technologies have helped us in like every possible ways.
Things possible due to Technology:
1.Findings Drugs and Hospitals
Social Media did more than the government for the people. Wheather it was for bed availability or a drug needed for their treatment. A request on Social Media was quickly got answered. There are people who were able to find beds, hospital, oxygen cylinder and drugs. Everything by the help of people’s of social media.
2. Online Education
Online Tutoring and schools are the new morning schedule. Education during pandemic was the major issue to face. For the government, it was a sensitive matter to discuss whether to hold exams or not. Safety was the biggest concern. Now, the online education has started no one is actually discussing about it.
3. Online grocery shopping and clothings.
Since the pandemic has started. Every one was in fix to go outside for shopping or not. Online shopping methoicame to rescue. It Made things easy to handle.
4. Entertainment During Lockdown
Tv hannels
5. Source of Information from the outside countries
6. Online Job Opportunities
7. Patients Recovery
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