You are currently viewing Parsing error: Unterminated JSX contents | React Js [ Updated Solution ]
Unterminated JSX contents

Parsing error: Unterminated JSX contents | React Js [ Updated Solution ]

Hi, guys today I go through this error in my react page Unterminated JSX contents and after some, I found the solution to this error below I have mentioned the answer to this problem below you can check it out and clear you dought in a easy way

Problem Statement: Unterminated JSX contents in react problem

Solution of this problem :

Either you just forget to complete your HTML Semantics in my case I have just forgotten to close my div in my scenario that’s why I got this error message about Unterminated JSX contents in react application.

Now I have fixed it and my solution look like this after adding the one closing div to my app.


Hope you like this article and share with your friend you face this problem .

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