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Make a Heart In Adobe Illustrator - Super Easy

How To Make a Heart In Adobe Illustrator – Super Easy

In this blog i’m finna show you how to make a heart in Adobe illustrator step by step in very easy way with the help of shape tool and direct selection tool and color tool. so let’s get after it.

how to create a heart

Step – 1

First we have to click on file to select a new artboard for our work.

How to make a Heart in Adobe Illustrator.

Step – 2

Then we have to select shape tool and create a rectangle with a radius whatever you want. its a step by step process don’t miss any step otherwise your heart will not look perfect so just follow the given step by step.

how to design a heart super easy way

Step – 3

Change corner radius of one side to its maximum of the selected rectangle with the help of direct selection tool.

how to draw heart icon or illustration

Step -4

Give a colour in rectangle using six digit hex number #F72D4a with the help of color will give you red color to your rectangle.

how to make heart icon using just a rectangle.

Step – 5

Duplicate the same rectangle and rotate it by 90° and align shapes Togetheror merge it together to make a perfect heart .

 how to create heart step by step
STEP 5.2

Step – 6

After this your heart is ready then add a background and give colour to it. Using six digit hex number #f1f2f2. background is important it will your heart a perfect look .

Step – 7

Heart is ready now. this is how you can make a heart in adobe illustrator step by step by easily using just a rectangle.

how to make a heart in adobe illustrator.

how to make a heart in adobe illustrator Video Tutorial


Although it was a lot of work on producing the content, it was a fun day. hope you learned a lot along the way,I hope that it will continue this way! ?

If you want to follow along my YouTube journey, you can subscribe to my channel. More crazy challenges are coming! ? In the meantime… ?

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