we all know that struggling with slow computer is so really pain full ? But don’t worry guys in this blog i will cover all the queries regarding why your pc slow and give you the best and one click way to speed it up . i will show you how to speed up your window 10 performance with scleaner
i know slow computer can make the simplest task like a real hassle to all of us . There are many ways to speed up your pc performance .
01. Why Is my Computer is slow ?
There are many ways that may be slow down your computer performance . I will mention the list below so that you can identify why your pc is slow down .
Here are the some of the things that slow down your computer performance :
- Too many backgrounds programs files
- Too many startup programs
- Fragmented hard drive
- viruses
- Obsolete Links & shortcuts
- icon & thumbnail cache
- Temorary files Memory Dumps
- Chkdsk Files Fragments
- Window error reporting files
- Window Log files Window event logs
- Recycle bin files
- Old prefetch files
- Taskbar jump lists
- Browser Cache
- Running out of disk Drive space
Even much more scenarios occurs . So if your computer is running slow read on ways to fix each of these issues . i will give one click solution for your slow computer .
02. ? How to make your computer faster
i have used many pc cleaner software’s but todays i will give you the lightest pc cleaner software ever so that you can make your pc run faster and smoother . Even you can run Your games so smoothly .
Personally i have used this software about 4 month and i observe that this software really work faster and smoother without consuming so much memory of your hard drive .

There are planty of software available in the market but i will give you the best software ever which is not get too much memory of your hard disk . without wasting your time lets jump to the ONE CLICK SOLUTION – SCleaner
- Just go to this link Click Here
- Download the software (scleaner – light weight & simple system cleaner )
- Just Press and and clean .
here are the some of screen shot where you can see some simplest full featured software .

A simple & lightweight one click system cleaner

Download Here

Hope this method will help you to resolve our problem . if any query do comment in the comment box .
Hope this will Help you enjoy !!
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